Jan 9, 2010

Weekend, hooray!

Are you starting to say hmmm? I loved making these and seeing how changing an element or two made a different effect. Once I'd made a few and saw how this would work, my mind was filled with possibilities every time I stitched a block. And it doesn't matter that many of them are very similar. We're learning what happens when you do something like substitute (dc, ch 1, dc, ch 1, dc) for a 5-dc shell in a stitch pattern--and I suspect you'll want to try some of these things in other patterns.
And hooray! It's the weekend. I'm going to give you several square patterns this weekend, more than one per day, and also there are some other elements to this afghan that we'll need a bunch of, so I'll give you the instructions for those. Here's a hint: this is not a straightforward square-after-square afghan, although certainly if you want to just sew your squares together, or edge them with sc then sew them together, you'll have a lovely creation. I know there's been some discussion of "should we edge them, should we not?" and I can just say follow me, do what I give you, and we'll see as the mystery unfolds. I haven't added edging to mine, but since some of you have, I'll make this work so that the edged ones will work.
Be sure to post your photos wherever you like--on the Flickr group. the Gourmet Crochet fan page on Facebook, and Ravelry! I haven't been the best about that myself but today, today. :)


  1. Very cool!! it will be fun to see how this unfolds.

  2. Thanks for clarifying this! The squares are looking beautiful! :)

  3. Thanks so much for this CAL! I am loving the various patterns and how a simple change makes such a difference.
    I also wanted to thank you for giving us the multiple needed if we want to make a larger item with one of the patterns! I wish every pattern gave that information!
    I'm truly being random with the colors for each square - just grabbing scraps!

  4. OK, Carolyn, I'm officially "addicted" to this crochet along. I actually went to the Square #5 instructions before opening e-mails or looking at Facebook! Every day I'm amazed at what a small change does to a pattern. Thanks so much. Can't wait to see what you have planned for us (with or without borders LOL)!!

  5. I'm really looking forward to whats going to unfold (I was before but even more so now :D).
    As soon as I dig my camera out I saw be taking pictures of all my squares. I'm doing mine from bits from my stash too :D

  6. I have been diligently working along. This is proving to be a wonderful way to wind down at the end of the day. It's something simple so my weary mind can keep up and I see the completed square so I have a sense of finishing a full step. Thanks for making this up! I'll try to post pictures when I can.

  7. Wow! How exciting that you will guide us in an afghan design other than sewing the squares together! I figured we'd just join them. This is going to be so very interesting! Thank you, Carolyn!

  8. I am starting today. I have looked over the patterns you have posted and had to smile. I have a feeling this is going to be one gorgeous piece of art when finished. I have chosen to do all sorts of colors, and then one at the same time in antique white. I am very excited!

  9. I'm a Semi-beginner crochetter and I was referred to your site. I will try the crochet along. Looking forward to building my skills.

  10. I'm working on #5 now. I need to post my pictures. Thanks for sharing these with all of us.

  11. I thought I was all caught up then saw squares 6 and 7..This is great fun. I can't wait to see the end result.

  12. Oh my goodness these are so awesome! I started out making four different afghans at one time! lol hope I can keep up. I am noticing that some squares are coming out slightly larger/smaller. They are the same number of stitches so I know there is a method to the madness!

  13. I am behind here..trying to catch up :-)
